Sunset Beach Island Parking Recommendations

The goal of this section of the Town’s Website is to communicate to our citizens regarding the current Sunset Beach Island Parking Study.  

2025.01.09 - In preparation to designate parking spots in the Island, letters from Town Staff were mailed to Island property owners on Main Street asking for their assistance in:

  • Clearing objects from the Town's right-of-way in front of their property,

  • Working with Town staff to designate their driveways in accordance with the Town's Unified Development Ordinance, and

  • Designating the best mailbox location to ensure easy mail delivery.

    Our goal in carrying out this plan is to have property owners and Town officials work together to make decisions that are in the best interest of both parties. Obviously, this process will take time and positive communication between both parties. We strongly believe good decisions can be made that create a safer environment throughout the summer along Main Street.

2025.01.06 - SurfCAST by Otto Connect present the council with an summary of the proposed contract to include:

  • A license plate based parking permit system

  • Permits are accessed via: Mobile App, website, scanning QR code, or by calling SurfCAST by OttoConnect.  (NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. Updates will be made available as the program details are completed.)

  • Pass Season:  April 1 - October 31, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

  • Visitor Rates: $5/hour up to 3 hours, $20 per day, $80 per week, $175.00 per season per vehicle

  • OWNER/RESIDENT:  Discounted parking for 2 vehicles (max) with a $25.00 registration fee for each vehicle. Residency/ownership will be confirmed with your Brunswick County Tax Parcel.

2024.12.10 - Council unanimously selected SurfCAST by Otto Connect as the Town's parking vendor.

 Storm Water Drainage System

The Storm Water Management/Maintenance Department is responsible for the stormwater drainage system within the Town limits. In 2017, the Town Council adopted a Stormwater Management Plan that outlined the current stormwater drainage system and the current status of the underground system. The Consultant also developed a 10-Year Stormwater Drainage Capital Improvements Plan for Council consideration during each budget process.  

The Stormwater Manager is responsible for administering the Plan.

 Jaguar's Lair

Please click below to view information concerning Jaguar's Lair: press release, press release #2, Email 14-12-22, Email 14-12-31, and the Engineer Report. 

 Mediation Update

The Mediation held on May 6, 2015 ended with the Mediator declaring the pre-litigation mediation an impasse. Please click below to view the press release. 

Town Calls the Bonds

The Town has officially notified the bond company for Coastal Communities at Ocean Ridge Plantation, LLC of its claims against the surety bonds for Sections 1, and 2.A. - 2.C. in Phase VI which is often referred to as Jaguars Lair. The next step in the process is for the Town to wait for a response from the bond company regarding the Town's claims. Please click below to read the press release.

Town Files Complaint

Attorney Grady Richardson filed a complaint on behalf of the Town against Bond Safeguard Insurance Company in regards to Jaguar's Lair. Please click here to view the complaint.