Sunset Beach Island Parking Recommendations
The goal of this section of the Town’s Website is to communicate to our citizens regarding the current Sunset Beach Island Parking Study.
The goal of this section of the Town’s Website is to communicate to our citizens regarding the current Sunset Beach Island Parking Study.
The Town of Sunset Beach offers multiple wooden walkways for citizens, residents and guest to access the beach strand. ADA accessible walkways are located at the Gazebo, 1st Street and 3rd Street on the east side of the island and 40th Street on the west side of the island.
Occasionally a walkway will be closed for maintenance and repairs. Information concerning those closures will be posted on the homepage. Click below to determine the walkway locations.
The Storm Water Management/Maintenance Department is responsible for the stormwater drainage system within the Town limits. In 2017, the Town Council adopted a Stormwater Management Plan that outlined the current stormwater drainage system and the current status of the underground system. The Consultant also developed a 10-Year Stormwater Drainage Capital Improvements Plan for Council consideration during each budget process.
The Stormwater Manager is responsible for administering the Plan.
Please click below to view information concerning Jaguar's Lair: press release, press release #2, Email 14-12-22, Email 14-12-31, and the Engineer Report.
Mediation Update
The Mediation held on May 6, 2015 ended with the Mediator declaring the pre-litigation mediation an impasse. Please click below to view the press release.
Town Calls the Bonds
The Town has officially notified the bond company for Coastal Communities at Ocean Ridge Plantation, LLC of its claims against the surety bonds for Sections 1, and 2.A. - 2.C. in Phase VI which is often referred to as Jaguars Lair. The next step in the process is for the Town to wait for a response from the bond company regarding the Town's claims. Please click below to read the press release.
Town Files Complaint
Attorney Grady Richardson filed a complaint on behalf of the Town against Bond Safeguard Insurance Company in regards to Jaguar's Lair. Please click here to view the complaint.