Hotel Height Increase in MUD District

During the Town Council Meeting on January 6, 2025, Council approved the Text Amendment, with modification, presented by developers to allow a proposed height of 60’ for hotels in the Mixed-Use Zoning District (MUD).


What follows are the facts surrounding this decision:


*The Town of Sunset Beach received an application from a development company to amend the height limit of a future Hilton Inn and Suites in the Mixed-Use Zoning District (MUD) from 50 ft. to 60 ft.  Note that the MUD District has included space for a hotel as part of the Village at Sunset Beach commercial area since 2012.  Prior to that, a Comfort Inn and Suites was approved around 2010, but never built.


*Per the Town’s Unified Development Ordinance, the developer of this hotel has the right to build on their property per established ordinances governing the MUD District.  As long as the developer conforms to the UDO, the Town cannot deny the developers the right to build a hotel.


* The previously established height restriction in the MUD was 50’.   The developers text amendment application showed a hotel with a limited architectural feature (parapet) in the front above the covered lobby entrance.  The parapet was over the 50’ height requirement.  The developers proposed the parapet in order to hide the antennas, HVAC units, etc. that would otherwise visibly stand out on the roof.


*Therefore, the developers ask for the addition of a text amendment to the UDO which read “In the MUD zoning district, a hotel / motel may be constructed to a height of 60 feet.”


*Based on the above information, the Sunset Beach Planning Board completed a thorough review of the proposed change to the UDO which would not set a precedent or affect property restrictions in other tax jurisdictions of the Town.  The Planning Board approved the proposed Text Amendment at their November 21, 2024 meeting.


*A Public Hearing was held during the January 6, 2025 Town Council Meeting.  Following the hearing, Council suggested a change to the Text Amendment submitted by the developers.  The suggestion was to add a sentence mandating that all hotels in the MUD zoning district may not exceed four stories.  The proposed 60’ maximum height requirement would allow for the screening of rooftop equipment only, not any additional floors beyond four stories.


*With the addition to the proposed text amendment regarding a four floor maximum requirement, Council unanimously approved the Text Amendment which will allow the proposed hotel to be developed.