Property Tax
The Town of Sunset Beach levies a property tax annually. The Town Council determines the tax rate during the budget process and establishes the tax rate per $100 valuation when adopting the annual budget ordinance in June. This year's rate remains at $.16.
Homeowners 65 years of age or older who own their home and are permanent residents or disabled veterans could be eligible for property tax relief. Click here for more information or contact Debbie Phelps, Brunswick County Tax Office 910-253-2555.
Currently, the Town contracts with Brunswick County for the services of billing and collecting Town taxes.
In late September, all Sunset Beach property owners receive a statement from the Brunswick County Tax Office listing both the Brunswick County and the Sunset Beach taxes payable by the first of January. You may also visit the Brunswick County website to view both your county and town taxes.
For additional information or with questions, please call 910-579-6297.