Resiliency Strategy with Appendices
Town of Sunset Beach 2021 Resiliency Study
DCM has partnered with Moffatt & Nichol, our selected contractor, with the Town of Sunset Beach to conduct a Risk & Vulnerability Assessment. This website will function as a storing house of all project-related information and a means for you to contribute in a meaningful way.
This website is intended to serve as place to share of all project-related information and a means to support meaningful contributions to the study by Town of Sunset Beach residents, visitors and business operators.
Introduction & Background
Building resilience to natural hazards is vital for communities to help maintain quality of life, healthy growth, durable systems, and conservation of resources for present and future generations. However, several barriers to developing resilience to coastal risks exist, including economic and capacity constraints that have been exacerbated in recent times. Resiliency refers to not only the ability of a community to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threats, but to thrive amidst changing conditions or challenges.
A risk and vulnerability assessment is a key component to building resilience in a coastal community. Risks are assessed as multi-hazard threats to communities such as flooding, storm surge, or sea level rise that may occur amidst storms and a changing climate. Vulnerabilities are assessed as the degree of exposure to these risks, and the means to cope with stressors or disasters that arise from them.
Building a more resilient Town of Sunset Beach requires careful, thorough planning efforts using sound, locally relevant data. Sunset Beach has been awarded financial assistance in the form of technical resources from the N.C. Division of Coastal Management’s (DCM) Resilient Coastal Communities Program (RCCP). The RCCP will advance coastal resilience efforts throughout the 20 coastal communities in North Carolina. The objectives of this program include:
Address barriers to coastal resilience in North Carolina at the local level, such as limited capacity, economic constraints, and social inequities;
Assist communities with risk and vulnerability assessments and developing a portfolio of planned and prioritized projects;
Advance coastal resilience projects to shovel-readiness, or ready for implementation; and
Link communities to funding streams for project implementation.
The Process
The following project milestones outline our estimated planning process and highlight specific timeframes when our public meeting and other public involvement opportunities are expected to occur. These dates may change as the project moves forward so please check back for updates.
- Public Survey – Mid-September to Mid-October 2021
- Community Action Team Worksession - October 7, 2021 at 10:00 AM
Public Input Meeting Open House – October 26, 2021
Community Action Team Meeting #2 – November 4, 2021
Draft Presentation – November 2021
CAT Meeting #3 – January 6, 2022
Final Presentation – February 2022
Final Report
Stay ConnectedBelow are several ways you can stay engaged in the project:
Subscribe to our mailing list. Sign up to receive the latest Town news via the Town’s home page here.
Visit our project website often. We will continually update the project website with the latest information and news, including the project schedule and resources available for download.
Participate in our Environmental Resource Committee meetings held monthly.
Program Sponsor
The N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM)’s North Carolina Resilient Coastal Communities Program (RCCP) provided technical and financial assistance to advance coastal resilience efforts for the Town of Sunset Beach. This program is funded in collaboration with North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR); Sea Grant North Carolina; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF); The Nature Conservancy North Carolina and US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).