The Town is currently seeking applicants to serve on the Tree Board. If you are interested in applying, click here.


General Purpose Mission Statement:

To help assure the maintenance and expansion of the Town’s tree canopy and the health and safe condition of trees in the community, the Sunset Beach Tree Board shall advise the Mayor and Town Council regarding preservation, protection and management of the community trees, and shall coordinate the Town’s activities and educational outreach programs regarding public trees.


 Membership Qualifications:


  1.       U.S. citizen and resident of the Town of Sunset Beach or the ETJ
  2.       Some knowledge of common tree species and tree care
  3.       An interest in trees and how they benefit the community
  4.       The ability to work as a team member and actively participate in scheduled events
  5.       Willingness to commit approximately 9 hours quarterly including one daytime meeting per quarter.


 Membership Criteria and Meetings:


  1.       Appointment - Tree board members shall be appointed by the Town Council from those citizens who have submitted an application and gone through an interview process. When a term expires, any current Board member may re-apply.
  2.       Membership - The Tree Board Membership will include five (5) members; with a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary appointed from the Board membership annually. Members will serve three years except that the term of two of the members appointed to the first Board shall be for only one year. In the event that a vacancy occurs during the term of any member, his or her successor shall be appointed by Town Council for the unexpired portion of the term.
  3.       Meetings and Event Requirements - The Tree Board shall meet approximately every quarter and execute or participate in a minimum of three (3) events annually (Earth Day/Arbor Day, Sunset Beach Market, Sunset at Sunset, etc.).
  4.       Minutes - The Secretary shall maintain a full and accurate record of each meeting in the form of minutes that are approved by the board, signed by the chairperson, and an original version provided to the Town Clerk as the official record.
  5.       Liaison - The Deputy Public Works Director and the Events Coordinator shall be the liaisons to the board.
  6.       Funding. Board members serve without compensation except for allowable expenses as approved by the Town Administrator in advance. The Board shall recommend an annual budget of $2 per capita to the Mayor and Town Council for the care of public trees, operational expenses, and educational activities. The Board is authorized to seek outside funding for its projects as may be approved by the Town Council in accordance with Town policies.


Expectations and Duties:


  1.       Serve in an advisory capacity advising the Mayor, Town Council and related departments on matters concerning trees and related resources, including revisions of the Town Tree Ordinances.
  2.       Develop a Sunset Beach public tree inventory listing and researching areas within the system for potential additions, deletions, and replacements in the future. Review and update the plan annually.
  3.       Assist the Town in educational efforts, plan and conduct annual Earth Day/Arbor Day activities in conjunction with the ERC.
  4.       Operate educational booths include displays to demonstrate to residents and visitors about the benefits and care of trees. Utilize give-away such as literature about trees, free trees, tickets for a drawing, or promotional products like sun visors, fans, tote bags and other useful items.
  5.       Participate in educational campaigns that may include occasional school and civic organization presentations, and creation of printed materials.
  6.       Participate in special projects such as tree plantings.
  7.       Serve as liaison with other organizations planning and conducting tree-related events or projects.