Jinks Creek/Tubbs Inlet Study

The ERC began its study of shoaling in Jinks Creek and Tubbs Inlet (JC & TI) in April 2023 after Charter Captain Tim Disano hosted a tour of Jinks Creek in his fishing boat. He showed Town representatives how difficult navigation had become and shared his knowledge of the history of the waterways.

The Tubbs Inlet Aerials 2011-2023 slideshow file shows aerial images of the Tubbs Inlet area to see how conditions changed in that period.

The boat tour was followed with drone photo images captured between May 2023 and monthly thereafter as possible up to the present date. ERC Slideshows and JC & TI Inlet Study Observation files were first presented and discussed at the November 15, 2023 ERC meeting and updated at subsequent meetings as appropriate.

Shoaling is not a new issue in Jinks Creek or Tubbs Inlet. The build up of sand in the navigation waters has been happening for more decades. The Town of Sunset Beach dredged portions of Jinks Creek and the canals throughout the East end of the Island beginning in 2022. Planning for this work began in 2016.

This information is not the final Study Report. We offer this as a record of the study performed in 2023 and 2024. We will continue to monitor changes in Jinks Creek and Tubbs Inlet in 2025.

As of the end of 2024, we have observed the following:

Jink’s Creek
● The channel has migrated eastward beyond Palm Cove.
● The Flood Tide Delta behind the island has grown in area, elevation and weed cover.
● Small craft navigation through Jinks Creek is only possible at high tide.

Tubbs Inlet
● The channel is moving westward towards Sunset Beach Island - it‘s become narrow and shallow.
● The inlet feeder creeks (Jinks, Still and Sols) are filling with sand.
● The tidal prism is believed to be diminishing
● The Ebb Tide Delta at the mouth of the inlet is growing in area and elevation

Our observations and study information will be shared with the engineering firm selected for the Palm Cove Jinks Creek Realignment dredging project.